Thursday, January 16, 2014

Here it goes

This shall be my first attempt to just provide the layman a view into the political world with some analysis. After many recent events people have just become curious as to what is happening and I hope that I can help you divulge into the path that is known as Politics: Mishaps and Blunders.

Okay so as many of us know this guy called Chris Christie is clogging up the interwebs of many of our favorite sites: CNN, Politico, know whatever you're into. And recently (today) I was on CNN and ran into this little excerpt from them, 
Illustrious Governor Chris Christie
"Give him a position at the top of the agency; he's a good friend of 
the governor. That's how David Wildstein was introduced to the 
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 2010, according to 
a former employee with extensive knowledge of the agency's hiring 
practices. Soon after, Wildstein was named the director of 
Interstate Capital Projects, a title that previously had not existed at 
the bi-state agency, setting in motion a career that would 
eventually place the former political blogger at the center of the 
lane closures controversy at the George Washington Bridge."

Let us put aside the fact that Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey and potential Republican presidential candidate for 2016, is caught in many scandals right now involving both closing bridges to cause traffic and also misusing funds for Hurricane Sandy, and rather let's talk ethics. 

Is it ethical to place a good buddy of yours into a rather high position in society, when they have no real political knowledge? I'm going to take the generic route and say yes, it is highly unethical because you are placing a man (or woman) who has no knowledge in the field and has control over hundreds/thousands of people. Inevitably something is going to go wrong, such as Christie's scandals, or Rick Perry appointing his former Yell Leader buddy as the head to the Texas Board of Education.

News flash: in the state of Texas you no longer have to take Algebra II or speech in a couple of years thanks to Governor Perry's dear friend. This in return is causing massive whiplash from teachers around the state and thus tarnishing the idea that appointing a buddy to government positions is unethical. 

But what if it isn't...what if having a buddy in a political position is actually good for you, but ethics tarnishes it?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Now I love Sanjay Gupta, but I think his ethics 
may have caused him from having me and the rest of the United States from loving him more. President Obama wanted to have him as his Surgeon General, but citing ethical implications along with other things he turned it down, thus causing Obama to appoint Regina Benjamin (who resigned in July). Now usually I would have been alright with this, but the Surgeon General is not supposed to have political bias, which Mrs. Benjamin was ripe with thus causing her to resign, but if ethics was not to have been in existence would Sanjay Gupta have taken it? If Chris Christie and Rick Perry not have messed up this much would it have been ethical to appoint a close friend to high governmental positions?

Just some food for thought.

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